Gallus gallus (NCBI)

Gene ID: 428349
Biological name :
Synonyms : SF4 / SUGP1 / SURP and G-patch domain containing 1
Possible biological names infered from orthology :
Species: Gallus gallus (NCBI)
Chr. number:
Gene start:
Gene end:
Corresponding Affymetrix probe sets: Gga.10260.1.S1_at (Chicken Array)   Gga.16703.1.S1_at (Chicken Array)   
Cross references: RefSeq - 307078111
RefSeq - NC_006115.5
RefSeq - NP_001182480.1
RefSeq - NM_001195551.1
See co-cited genes in PubMed
Warning: Please see the Ensembl gene model ENSGALG00000042132 to get all the annotations available for this gene.

Gene Ontology (GO)
TypeGO IDTermEv.Code
No match

Pathways (from Reactome)
Pathway description
No match

Interacting proteins (from Reactome)
Interactor ID Name Interaction type
No match


0 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2024
contact: otassy@igbmc.fr