Danio rerio (NCBI)

Gene ID: 493604
Biological name :
Synonyms : CH73-41E3.3|zgc:91951 / mitochondrial ribosomal protein L16 / mrpl16
Possible biological names infered from orthology :
Species: Danio rerio (NCBI)
Chr. number:
Gene start:
Gene end:
Corresponding Affymetrix probe sets:
Cross references: RefSeq - 56090154
RefSeq - XP_005168058.1
RefSeq - NC_007112.7
RefSeq - 528467164
RefSeq - NP_001007765.1
RefSeq - NM_001007764.1
RefSeq - XM_005168001.4
See co-cited genes in PubMed
Warning: Please see the Ensembl gene model ENSDARG00000075325 to get all the annotations available for this gene.

Gene Ontology (GO)
TypeGO IDTermEv.Code
 biological_processGO:0006412 translation IEA
 biological_processGO:0032543 mitochondrial translation IBA
 cellular_componentGO:0005762 mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit IBA
 cellular_componentGO:0005840 ribosome IEA
 molecular_functionGO:0003735 structural constituent of ribosome IEA
 molecular_functionGO:0019843 rRNA binding IEA

Pathways (from Reactome)
Pathway description
No match

Interacting proteins (from Reactome)
Interactor ID Name Interaction type
No match


0 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2024
contact: otassy@igbmc.fr