
Danio rerio

Gene ID: ENSDARG00000098021
Biological name :si:dkey-111k8.2
Synonyms : si:dkey-111k8.2
Possible biological names infered from orthology :
Species: Danio rerio
Chr. number: 3
Strand: -1
Gene start: 61371434
Gene end: 61377127
Corresponding Affymetrix probe sets: Dr.16013.1.A1_at (Zebrafish Array)   
Cross references: Ensembl peptide - ENSDARP00000128584
Ensembl peptide - ENSDARP00000133960
swissprot - A0A0G2KNL0
swissprot - X1WED3
ZFIN ID - ZDB-GENE-131122-104
Ensembl - ENSDARG00000098021
See co-cited genes in PubMed

Ortholog prediction (from Ensembl)
Ortholog nameID Species
No match

Paralog prediction (from Ensembl)
Paralog nameIDSimilarity(%)
znf1028 / zinc finger protein 1028ENSDARG0000008833183
znf1143 / zinc finger protein 1143ENSDARG0000009685161
znf1028 / zgc:113295 / zinc finger protein 1028ENSDARG0000010394758
znf1005 / zinc finger protein 1005ENSDARG0000009991738
znf1004 / si:zfos-44a5.1 / zinc finger protein 1004ENSDARG0000009709837
blf / bloody fingersENSDARG0000004312634

Protein motifs (from Interpro)
Interpro ID Name
 IPR013083  Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type
 IPR013087  Zinc finger C2H2-type

Gene Ontology (GO)
TypeGO IDTermEv.Code
 molecular_functionGO:0003676 nucleic acid binding IEA

Pathways (from Reactome)
Pathway description
No match

Phenotype (from MGI, Zfin or HPO)
IDPhenotypeDefinition Genetic BG
No match

Interacting proteins (from Reactome)
Interactor ID Name Interaction type
No match


1 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2024
contact: otassy@igbmc.fr