Matching genes:

Gene IDPossible namesSpeciesPubMed co-occurence Hits
ENSMUSG00000024165Jpt2 / Q6PGH2 / Jupiter microtubule associated homolog 2 / Q9H910* Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000091756Gm3095 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000095912Gm3317 / alpha21-takusan Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000092167Gm3696 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000094132Gm3264 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000091754Gm3636 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000090691Gm3667 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079409Gm5795 / predicted gene 5795 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000095024Gm5458 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079386Gm3173 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079364Gm3558 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000096775Gm5796 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000096039D830030K20Rik Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079410Gm2897 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079378Gm8279 / predicted gene 8279 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000096003Gm3500 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG000000793882610042L04Rik / RIKEN cDNA 2610042L04 gene Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000093979Gm2237 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000071613Gm10340 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000093985Gm10406 Mus musculus 1

ENSMUSG00000079396Gm3411 Mus musculus 1

22 results

* Annotation from orthology

Use Refine to filter the genes listed above with another tool of Manteia (see tutorial).
Tool Reference set GO stat options

P-value adjustment


Combine NCBI and Ensembl gene models to analyse microarrays
Use Statistics to analyse the characteristics of the genes listed above (see tutorial).


0 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2024