Matching genes:

Gene IDPossible namesSpeciesPubMed co-occurence Hits
ENSG00000227234Q9NS25 / SPANXB1 / SPANX family member B1 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000204363Q5MJ07 / SPANXN5 / SPANX family member N5 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000268988Q5MJ10 / SPANXN2 / SPANX family member N2 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000189326Q5MJ08 / SPANXN4 / SPANX family member N4 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000189252Q5MJ09 / SPANXN3 / SPANX family member N3 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000203926Q9NS26 / SPANXA2 / SPANX family member A2 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000198021Q9NS26 / SPANXA1 / sperm protein associated with the nucleus, X-linked, family member A1 Homo sapiens 2

ENSG00000196406Q9BXN6 / SPANXD / SPANX family member D Homo sapiens 1

ENSMUSG00000079579Gm6760 Mus musculus 1

ENSG00000198573Q9NY87 / SPANXC / SPANX family member C Homo sapiens 1

11 results

* Annotation from orthology

Use Refine to filter the genes listed above with another tool of Manteia (see tutorial).
Tool Reference set GO stat options

P-value adjustment


Combine NCBI and Ensembl gene models to analyse microarrays
Use Statistics to analyse the characteristics of the genes listed above (see tutorial).


0 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2024