Probe set IDs entry.

    This tool allows to enter a list of probe sets to be analyzed in the system.

* Copy/paste the list of probe sets you want to analyze

* Select "keep all associated genes" if you want to keep all the genes associated to a same probe set (prefer this option for identification purposes).

* Select "keep Manteia high quality associations" if you want to get rid of ambigous probe sets corresponding to several genes (prefer this option for statistical analyses).

* Select the gene models you want to work with using the "species filter". By default, gene models from Ensembl and NCBI will be used.

* Press the first "submit" button to enter the system or the other buttons to run the corresponding analysis or exportation tool.
Probe set IDs entry
Probe set IDs*:

   Case sensitive search

   keep all associated genes (and)      keep Manteia high quality associations ()
 Species filter:
 Several gene model datasets can be related to the same probe sets.
This option allows to choose which ones to display (default=all).

Probe sets + annotation

 Enter your IDs one per line, separated by a space or a ":"


0 s.

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The Manteia system, data and analyses are provided "as is" with no warranties, expressed or implied as to capabilities or accuracy. User assumes the entire risk as to the results and performance of the software, data and documentation


© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2025