Interpro search.

    This tool allows to select the genes coding for a given protein motif.

* Select a species

* Enter the name of a motif in "Interpro term". Options are provided after you entered 4 characters.

* Select a name among the options provided.

* Alternatively, you can enter an Interpro identifier in "Interpro ID".

Hint: When used in filtration mode, you can leave all the fields blank to list the Domains associated to the genes of your list.
    Interpro search

Interpro term*: 
 (e.g. Homeobox domain)

Interpro id*:   (e.g. IPR001356)  

* You can enter several terms or IDs by separating your entries with a space.


0 s.

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© Olivier Tassy / Olivier Pourquie 2007-2025